Course Details

UPSC Optional


Month 1: Introduction to Literary Criticism and Medieval Literature

Overview of major literary theories: Formalism, Structuralism, Post-structuralism, Feminism, etc.
Reading foundational texts on literary criticism.

Study of Old English literature, including “Beowulf.”
Introduction to Middle English literature with a focus on Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales.”

Overview of Renaissance literary movements.
In-depth study of Shakespearean plays, including “Hamlet” and “Othello.”
Exploring metaphysical poetry with John Donne.

Study of Elizabethan and Jacobean playwrights, such as Ben Jonson.
Comparative analysis of selected plays from the era.

Month 2: Restoration to Romantic Literature

Analysis of Restoration comedies and tragedies.
Study of prose works from the period.
Reading Aphra Behn’s “Oroonoko.”

Overview of the Augustan Age and neoclassical literature.
Study of the works of Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, and Daniel Defoe.
Exploration of the rise of the novel.

In-depth exploration of Romantic poets, including Wordsworth and Coleridge.
Analysis of poems and key Romantic prose works.
Examination of the Romantic movement and its themes.

Study of Victorian poets, including Tennyson and Browning.
Exploration of Victorian novels and social context.
Reading texts such as Dickens’ “Great Expectations.”

Month 3: Late 19th Century to Modern Literature

Overview of late 19th-century movements, including Aestheticism and Decadence.
Study of works by Oscar Wilde and Thomas Hardy.

Exploration of modernist and postmodernist literature.
Reading texts such as T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” and Virginia Woolf’s “Mrs. Dalloway.”

Study of postcolonial literature and key authors.
Exploration of global voices in literature.
Reading texts by Chinua Achebe, Salman Rushdie, and others.

Focus on contemporary literature and recent literary trends.
Study of significant works from the latter half of the 20th century.
Exploration of emerging themes and voices.

Month 4: Special Topics, Revision, and Practice

In-depth study of special topics like literary movements, critical perspectives, and cultural contexts.
Focused discussions on selected critical works.

Comprehensive revision of all covered topics.
Practice sessions with previous years’ question papers.
Clarification of doubts and challenging concepts.

Conducting mock tests to simulate exam conditions.
Full-length practice exams to assess overall preparedness.
Detailed analysis of mock test performance for improvement.

Final review of essential concepts and strategies.
Tips for approaching the optional paper effectively.
Strategies for time management and maintaining focus during the exam.

Additional Notes

Encourage regular discussions, group study, and peer reviews.
Provide supplementary reading lists for students interested in exploring specific topics further.
Dynamic adjustments to the schedule based on the pace and needs of the students.
Emphasize critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to connect texts to broader literary movements and historical contexts.

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